Social Work Students Present at State Conference

BSW student present at the NASW state conferenceGMercyU Social Work students Erin Huggard ’25 and Maya Campbell ’26 traveled to Poconos, Pa. for the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Pennsylvania Conference on October 14. The conference united social workers and students from across Pennsylvania to showcase research and discuss the profession.

At the conference, Erin and Maya had the opportunity to hear from several speakers and interact with social work programs and professionals from across the state. It was an insightful experience, illustrating the importance of the profession across all areas of life.

Presenting Their Research

Erin presented research she conducted on the population she helped to serve in Jamaica during a service trip to Mustard Seed Communities. Erin and her partner, Jenna Gannon’25, wanted to bring the idea of the sensory room used in Jamaica to GMercyU for students when needed, particularly those within the Integrated Studies program..

“My overall experience gave me a new look on the social work field. It made me appreciate that I am in a field that gives their all when working with people,” shared Erin. “Social work is definitely a field that uses all of your heart.”

Maya presented her research on the topic of engagement promotion amongst Korean American older adults based on her partnership with the Jiasohn Center. Maya found that stress and disruptions in family and social networks are a result of declining health and reduced social engagement. In partnership with the Jiasohn Center, Maya helped launch a wellness walk for the residents. She also had the chance to develop relationships with the residents by attending their ESL class, dance class, and art class.

The connections Maya made led to many of the residents attending the walk-with-ease project at the International Spring Festival. The result of the project was diverse participation, cross-cultural engagement, gender inclusivity, cultural exposure, and established tradition.

“I interacted with outstanding social workers who were passionate about their work,” Maya shared. “I was also able to share my findings through the Jiasohn Center.”